Získaj stavebnicu LEGO® Uzly šťastia k nákupom aspoň za 150 €*Ďalšie informácie

Získaj stavebnicu LEGO® Uzly šťastia k nákupom aspoň za 150 €*Ďalšie informácie

Build a LEGO® harvest festival

Build a LEGO® harvest festival

Oh you’re thinking of entering this year’s LEGO® vegetable competition? Don’t bother! My potatoes are the biggest vegetables, and everyone knows it. You’ll never build a bigger vegetable than me so don’t even try. Hey – I said don’t try. Stop that. Put down that carrot!

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Age: 7+
  • Time (minutes): 30 min
  • Number of people: 2+

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