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Connections Kit

559,99 €

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Connections Kit

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The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® program is a radical and innovative process designed to enhance business performance through building with LEGO bricks.

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Connections Kit is designed for use in conjunction with the Starter Kit (2000414) and the Identity and Landscape Kit (2000430). It supports a group of 10 - 12 workshop participants. It is designed to support 1 – 2 day workshops, participants focus on the relations and connections structure of the business landscape with its network of interdependent factors and explore how the systems responds to change.


  • Extensive selection of connecting elements such as spiral tubes, ladders, fences, bridges and strings
  • Extensive selection of connectors making it possible to build a large interconnected LEGO model
  • Bricks for making10 identical bags containing bricks for the “pencil case” exercise. 
  • 3 orange plastic sorting trays

Note: The Connections Kit does not come with any kind of instructor’s manual. Training in how to design and facilitate LEGO SERIOUS PLAY workshops using the Connections Kit can be obtained through the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Community.

Connections Kit
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