Det er snart LEGO® Insiders-weekend! 23.11.-24.11.Læs mere

Det er snart LEGO® Insiders-weekend! 23.11.-24.11.Læs mere

LEGO® Fortnite® forældreguide

LEGO® Fortnite® forældreguide

LEGO® Fortnite® er et spil, der giver inspiration til spillernes endeløse kreativitet i et velkendt, trygt og sikkert miljø.

LEGO Fortnite bringer LEGO Koncernens ikoniske minifigurer ind i Epic Games-spillet Fortnite i form af LEGO styles. Du kan endda downloade og spille LEGO Fortnite via den eksisterende Fortnite-launcher. Bare vælg LEGO Fortnite fra Discover-menuen.

Men LEGO Fortnite er ikke bare Battle Royale med minifigurer. Det er en helt ny oplevelse, der forener det bedste fra begge verdener, så alle, der allerede har downloadet Fortnite, kan spille LEGO Fortnite gratis* – alene eller sammen med venner.

Hvad er en Survival-verden?

I en Survival-verden bliver spilleren helten – samler ressourcer, bygger strukturer, laver værktøjer og våben, bekæmper fjender og udforsker en kæmpestor åben verden.

Den indbyggede udfordring i en Survival-verden er, at spillerne skal samle og skabe det, de skal bruge for at overleve. Spillere tager træ fra træer og bruger det til at bygge lejrbål, fakler, økser og skovle, så de kan samle flere materialer, samt sværd og skjolde til at forsvare sig selv.

Jo mere de bygger, jo mere lærer de. Jo mere de lærer, jo flere byggetegninger låser de op for, så de kan bygge endnu større og bedre ting.

Hvad er en Sandbox-verden?

I en Sandbox-verden har hver spiller, hvad der svarer til en bundløs kasse med LEGO klodser og elementer. I stedet for at bekymre sig om vilde ulve, når de samler træ i skoven, kan spillere bare bygge en træhytte – helt uden at samle ind eller slås for det.

I en Sandbox-verden handler det lige fra starten om at skabe og udtrykke sig selv uden at skulle bekæmpe fjender eller skaffe materialer. Spillere kan endda flyve op i himlen i superheltestil og udforske kortet.

Hvad er en LEGO ø?

LEGO øer er en ny funktion, der blev tilføjet til LEGO Fortnite et par måneder efter, at spillene blev lanceret i slutningen af 2023. I stedet for at fokusere på at overleve og bygge i store åbne verdener, er det her muligt at spille spillet i mindre, mere fokuserede og kontrollerede oplevelser. Og nogle af disse oplevelser er skabt af LEGO Koncernen.

I LEGO Koncernens LEGO Cat Island Adventure ankommer spillerne til en lokation beskrevet som "det perfekte sted at udforske med en pelsklædt ven". Det eneste, spillerne skal gøre her, er at løbe frit omkring, finde deres nuttede kat og sørge for, at den er glad og tilfreds. Spillerne og deres små pelsklædte venner kan udforske stranden og vandfaldene – samtidig med at de knytter tættere bånd.

Det actionfyldte LEGO Raft Survival foregår i et badekar og omfatter det ikoniske LEGO Pirates tema. Spillerne skal holde sig på tømmerflåder, mens de bliver bombarderet med kanonkugler. De kan også bygge tømmerflåder og redde deres holdkammerater. Og de må for alt i verden ikke falde i vandet, for så spiser hajerne dem!

Spillere kan få adgang til disse mindre eventyr fra afsnittet "LEGO Islands" i Fortnites Play-menu. Du skal gøre følgende for at se alle LEGO Koncernens ø-kreationer:

  1. I Fortnites Play-menu skal du rulle ned til afsnittet "LEGO Islands".
  2. Klik på en af de øer, vi har beskrevet her, herunder LEGO Raft Survival og LEGO Cat Island Adventure. Der står "created by thelegogroup", hvis den er skabt af os.
  3. Klik på ikonet med de tre prikker, og vælg "View Creator" for at se mere.

Der kommer flere ø-oplevelser til Fortnite fra LEGO Koncernen i 2024 og frem.

Skabere, der ikke er en del af LEGO Koncernen, kan også designe og dele deres egne LEGO øer i Fortnite. Hvis spilleren befinder sig i USA, skal hver LEGO ø have en ESRB-klassifikation på E10+. Hvis spilleren befinder sig i Europa, skal øerne have en PEGI-klassifikation på 7. Du kan finde en klassifikation for hver enkelt LEGO ø under øens ikon i Fortnites Play-menu.

LEGO Fortnite sikkerhed

Oprettelse af LEGO Fortnite verdener

I LEGO Fortnite Survival- og Sandbox-verdener kan otte spillere hoppe ind i en verden samtidigt – og det er en stor fordel, for spillet spilles bedst i fællesskab. Spillerne samarbejder om at bygge, høste, indsamle materialer og overvinde udfordringer. Hver spiller bliver stærkere og bedre sammen med venner. Designere af LEGO øer kan tillade forskellige antal af spillere. Nogle af de små, hyggelige oplevelser er udviklet til fire spillere, mens andre kræver 16-20 spillere ad gangen.

Når en spiller skaber en verden i Survival- eller Sandbox-tilstand, er den privat, hvilket betyder, at ingen andre spillere har adgang til den, medmindre verdenens ejer inviterer dem. Der findes ikke offentlige verdener i LEGO Fortnite, og man kan ikke få adgang til andre spilleres verden uden en invitation fra en ven. Selvom mange LEGO øer er udviklet som offentlige multiplayer-oplevelser, der skal deles med venner, kan de også spilles af enkeltpersoner.

For at kunne invitere andre ind i sine Survival- eller Sandbox-verdener skal man være venner med dem i Fortnite. Ejeren af en verden kan også give venner en "nøgle" til deres verden ved at gøre dem til "key holder". Det betyder, at de har adgang til og kan redigere verdenen – også selvom verdenens ejer er offline. Husk, at gæster kan rive enhver kreation ned, så det er vigtigt at tænke sig godt om, før man vælger, hvem man vil dele sin verden med!
Vi forventer, at alle spiller ansvarligt og følger Epics regler, og derfor er stødende indhold forbudt i LEGO Fortnite verdenerne. Hvis spillere opdager noget upassende i en verden, anbefaler vi dem at indberette det ved hjælp af Fortnites brugervenlige indberetningsværktøjer, så Epic kan fjerne indholdet og gribe ind over for de spillere, der overtræder reglerne.

Indstilling af forældrekontrol

Fortnite giver forældre en lang række muligheder for at kontrollere deres barns oplevelse i spillet. Og alle platforme, som spillet er tilgængeligt på (for eksempel PlayStation®, Xbox, Nintendo Switch™ og Windows), har også muligheder for forældrekontrol.

Gennem Epic Games kan forældre administrere adgangen til sociale funktioner (f.eks. stemmechat), oprette en pinkode, der skal bruges ved køb, og konfigurere andre indstillinger til børnesikring. Du finder indstillingerne online i Epic Account Portal og i spillet under menuen Fortnite Parental Controls. Sådan finder du menuen i spillet:

  1. Start Fortnite op.
  2. Åbn hovedmenuen (ligner tre vandrette streger), og vælg det tandhjulsformede ikon.
  3. Vælg Parental Controls fra den menu, der dukker op.

Epic Parental Controls kræver, at du opretter en sekscifret pinkode via Epic Account Portal eller menuen Fortnite Parental Controls. Pinkoden sikrer, at det kun er dig, der kan foretage ændringer i dine indstillinger.

Fra Account Portal kan forældre og værger tilpasse børnesikringen for at skabe en alderssvarende oplevelse for hvert familiemedlem. Fremhævede indstillinger:

  • Tilladelser til stemme- og tekstchat: Du kan styre, hvem dit barn kan tale med i Epics stemme- og tekstchat. Du kan f.eks. vælge Friends Only, så dit barn kun kan kommunikere med andre spillere på deres Epic-venneliste og vennelisten på platformen, eller du kan deaktivere chatfunktionen helt.
  • Indstillinger for køb: Du kan vælge, om din børnesikrings-pinkode skal indtastes i forbindelse med køb for rigtige penge gennem Epics betalingssystem.
  • Pinkode påkrævet for venneanmodninger: Du kan vælge, at din pinkode skal indtastes, for at dit barn kan sende eller acceptere Epic-venneanmodninger. På den måde kan du også kontrollere, hvem dit barn kan interagere med i LEGO Fortnite, da verdenerne er private og således kun for spillere og inviterede venner.
  • Aldersgrænser i Fortnite: I Fortnite har hver ø en aldersgrænse, og du bestemmer, hvilke øer dit barn kan besøge baseret på klassifikationerne.

Bemærk: Hvis dit barn spiller på en konsol, er det muligvis også nødvendigt at ændre i indstillingerne for køb, kommunikation, etc. i konsollens eget system. Hvis du f.eks. slår stemmechat fra i Fortnite, kan dit barn muligvis stadig bruge stemmechat gennem konsollens indbyggede chatsystem.

Fortnites stemmerapporteringsfunktion giver enhver mulighed for at indsende lydbeviser, så Epic kan gribe ind, hvis andre spillere bruger stemmechat til mobning, chikane eller anden upassende adfærd. For spillere under 18 år er funktionen automatisk slået til i stemmechatten. Du kan også se indstillingerne for stemmerapportering i spillet i Fortnites lydmenu.

We can use one of the first LEGO Kits as a way to explain how they all work. The Beachside Boulevard Bundle includes 8 Builds (and all of the Building Parts that make up the Builds) and 44 Decor items. The optional purchase includes the Beach Pavillion building, a Beach House and a Lifeguard Tower. The Shore Shack Build looks like a beach shed. It’s the perfect compliment for Decor like beach chairs, surfboards and umbrellas.

LEGO Fortnite purchases use Fortnite’s in-game currency called V-Bucks. No matter what platform you buy something on, content purchased with V-Bucks is available on all devices where you’ve linked the account through which you made the purchase.

Each platform processes its own payments. For example, the transaction to purchase V-Bucks on an Xbox Series X uses Microsoft as the payment processor. Android (Google Play), PlayStation®, Xbox, Nintendo Switch™ and Windows have parental controls settings. Epic Games’ Parental Controls settings help you manage purchases from a child’s account in the Epic Game Store.

LEGO Fortnite remains fundamentally free, even with these optional purchases, and free content continues to arrive in the game constantly.

LEGO Fortnite Safety

Creating LEGO Fortnite worlds

LEGO Fortnite’s Survival and Sandbox worlds allow eight players to jump in simultaneously in one world, and having a community is the best way to play the game. Players cooperate to build, harvest, gather and overcome challenges. Each player is stronger and better with friends. LEGO Islands designers can support various numbers of players. Some more intimate experiences are designed for four, while others call for 16 or 20 players at a time.

When players first create a world in Survival and Sandbox modes, it’s fully private, which means no other players will be able to join unless the world owner invites them. There are no public Sandbox or Survival worlds in LEGO Fortnite, and there’s no way to join someone else’s world unless a player gets an invitation from one of their friends. While many LEGO Islands are designed as public multiplayer experiences to be enjoyed with friends, they can also be played solo.

Before players can invite other people to join them in their Survival and Sandbox worlds, they need to be friends in Fortnite. World owners can also invite their friends to be a ‘key holder’, which means their friends can access and edit the world anytime, even if the owner is offline. Remember: guests can build or tear down any creations so it’s important to have a good think before your child decides which friends they want to share their world with!

Setting up Parental Controls

Fortnite has extensive in-game parental controls that allow adults to manage their child’s experience in the game. Each platform on which the game is available – for example, PlayStation®, Xbox, Nintendo Switch™ and Windows – also offers its own parental controls.

With Epic Games’ Parental Controls, you can manage access to social features (such as voice chat), require a Parental Controls PIN for purchases and set up additional controls. You can access them online in the Epic Account Portal and also in-game using the Fortnite Parental Controls menu. Here’s how to access that menu in-game:

1. Launch Fortnite.

2. Open the main menu (which looks like three horizontal lines), and select the gear-shaped icon.

3. Select Parental Controls from the menu that loads.

Epic Parental Controls require you to set up a six-digit PIN through the Epic Account Portal or the Fortnite Parental Controls menu. The PIN ensures that only you can make changes to your settings.

From the Account Portal, parents and guardians can customize their Parental Controls to create an age-appropriate experience for every member of the family. Notable Parental Controls include:

  • Voice and text chat permissions: You can manage who your child is able to speak with using Epic’s voice and text chat. You can select options like ‘Friends Only,’ which only allows your child to speak with other players in their Epic friends list and platform friend list, or disable chat entirely.
  • Purchasing settings: You can choose to require your Parental Controls PIN to be entered before real money purchases are made using Epic payment.
  • Require your PIN for friend requests: You have the option of requiring your PIN to be entered in order for your child to send or accept Epic friend requests. With this control, you can manage who your child is able to interact with in LEGO Fortnite since worlds are private to players and their invited friends.
  • Fortnite Content Ratings: In Fortnite, every island has an age rating, and you can determine which islands your child can visit based on those ratings.

Note: If your child is playing on a console, then you may also need to set controls for purchasing, communication limits, friend requests and more in that ecosystem. For example, if you turn off voice chat in Fortnite, your child may still be able to access voice chat using the chat system built into their console.

Fortnite’s voice reporting feature allows anyone to submit audio evidence so Epic can take action against other players using voice chat to bully, harass or engage in other inappropriate behavior. For players under 18, the feature is automatically on in voice chats. You can also see voice reporting settings in-game through Fortnite’s audio menu.

Getting started

An Epic Games account is required for your child to play LEGO Fortnite. When creating an Epic account, if a player indicates they are under 13 or their country’s age of digital consent (whichever is higher) their account will be a Cabined Account. A Cabined Account is an Epic account that’s designed to create a safe and inclusive space for younger players. Players with Cabined Accounts can still play LEGO Fortnite but won’t be able to access certain features such as voice chat until their parent or guardian provides consent.

If your child already plays Fortnite, then they already have what they need to play LEGO Fortnite. Just open Fortnite, and look for LEGO Fortnite inside of there.

You can also sign them in with an existing LEGO, Epic Games, Nintendo®, PlayStation or Xbox account. If they don’t have one, we suggest creating a LEGO account and linking that to create your Epic Games account. You can also link an existing LEGO account to an existing Epic Games account. Either way, linking your Epic and LEGO accounts unlocks LEGO Insiders or LEGO Insiders Club (for younger players) and bonuses like the Explorer Emilie Outfit including the LEGO Style for your child’s connected accounts.

You can also sign into an account through the official Epic Games site to let Epic know who your child is across the many places where they can play LEGO Fortnite, like consoles and mobile devices.

When you have the account set up and connected, adding friends is a simple process.

1. Launch Fortnite and sign into your child’s account.

2. Select your child’s circular avatar icon in the upper right of the screen.

3. Select the icon with the plus button on the menu that appears, which brings you to the Add Friends menu.

4. Enter the Epic account name or email address of your child’s friend in the box provided.

LEGO Fortnite has a feature called crossplay, which allows people to join in a match of the game no matter what platform they are on – including PlayStation, Mac, PC, Nintendo Switch or Xbox. Crossplay is enabled by default, so it doesn’t matter what hardware your child and their friends have. They can all play together.

LEGO Fortnite is a playground for players of all ages, whether they set out on daring adventures or spend their time building castles in the air. It’s all about fostering imagination and creativity. Playing together is the ultimate social experience in LEGO Fortnite.

Whether solo or with friends, you can play LEGO Fortnite for free*. The journey is only just beginning with new world-building, gameplay features, and more LEGO Styles arriving in updates starting early 2024.

*Optional in-game purchases available.

LEGO Star Wars™ Update

In May 2024, LEGO Fortnite expanded with a galaxy’s worth of content in the 29.40 update.

When players launch the game, a Rebel visitor to their Village will lead them to a new island. It’s connected to but separate from the Survival and Sandbox worlds that we discussed above. Star Wars™ content flows from this free new island, which will remain available even after the 20.40 update.

The LEGO Star Wars™ update adds enemies like Imperial Stormtroopers™ and iconic weapons like Blasters, Thermal Detonators, and Lightsabers. Players can craft many weapons at the new Rebel Workbench, but they’ll have to earn their Lightsabers.

There’s also a new Rebel Village to build, defend, and upgrade. It’s like a classic LEGO Fortnite Village but with a Star Wars™ twist. New buildings like the Rebel Farm and the Rebel Stables sport the insignia of the Rebellion and fences are made of lasers instead of wood. And the minifigure friends who move in will be a combination of human, alien and Droid.

Many new LEGO Styles – LEGO versions of Fortnite Outfits – are now available in LEGO Fortnite, including Darth Vader and the Mandalorian. If your child already owned those Outfits in Fortnite, they’ll be able to use them in LEGO Fortnite now, too. Outfits are also available to purchase.

The LEGO Pass: Rebel Adventure is a series of quests that arrived with the update and is available until July 22, 2024. Players complete them, earn Studs for their efforts and unlock in-game rewards with the Studs they earn. There are two versions.

  1. The Free Rewards Track includes 10 Decor Bundles and the Mos Eisley Cantina Build.
  2. The Premium Reward Track costs 1,400 V-Bucks (Fortnite’s in-game currency) and includes 11 additional rewards as well as the Chewbacca Outfit. In short, players complete the same quests as the Free Rewards Track, but they receive more rewards and a LEGO Style Fortnite Outfit for doing so.

For more information on optional, paid in-game content, you can also read our Parents’ Guide to LEGO Fortnite Purchases.