給大人的樂高® 動物和大自然主題盒組

給大人的樂高® 動物和大自然主題盒組

花些時間讚頌自然界的奇觀,把各種小動物與生物帶進室內。藉由動物與大自然主題樂高® 盒組讓你的熱情綻放。

Listen to our ‘Green Noise’ playlist capturing the sounds of nature as you build!
#1: Hercules Beetle thumbnail
#1: Hercules BeetleDesigned to help listeners find a moment of zen in their day, this nature-inspired track is created entirely using the flutters, clicks and snaps of LEGO® bricks and packaging from the new set, alongside a variety of sound-effect techniques.







直擊樂高® 檔案室

我們邀請設計師分享他們積木滿滿的精彩旅程,跟我們一起走進前所未見的樂高® 檔案室吧。瞭解他們的童年時光、懷舊回憶,並聽聽他們擔任樂高設計師設計的盒組祕辛。

Fiorella Groves gets creative as she journeys into the secret LEGO Archives.

From Art to jewellery and botanicals, Design Manager Creative Lead Fiorella delves into the LEGO Archives to find the sets that inspired her creativity.

8 影片

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