Search Page for the LEGO® Wooden Toys Overview

Complete list (items 121-150 of 667)

Product NumberAlternate NumberOriginal TitleEnglish TitleLaunch YearExit YearImage
203Lastbil størreTruck, Larger
204Lastbil, 1940-Bedford-LastbilTruck, 1940-Bedford-Truck
205LillebilSmall Car/
206Lillebil, fin staferetSmall Car, nicely ornamented/
207Lillebil, med skærmeSmall Car with Screens/
208Brandbil med brandstigeFire truck with Fireman's Ladder/
208/1Lastbil med træhjulTruck with Wooden Wheels
208/2Lastbil med 8 mælkejungerTruck with 8 Milk Cans
208/3Lastbil med 6 sækkeTruck with 6 Sacks/
208/4Lastbil med 18 terningerTruck with 18 Blocks
208/5Lastbil med 2 rasleklodserTruck with 2 Rattle Blocks
210Pr.1947 18/3Hane, storRooster, Large
210/1Pr.1947 16/1HaneRooster
210/2Pr.1947: 9/1. Pr. August 1958: 1041. Pr. August 1959: BILOfix (samme nr.)HaneRooster1937 og 1940
210/3Pr. 1947: 8/1Høne/ HaneHen/ Rooster
210/4Pr. 1947: 10/1HaneRooster
210/5Pr. 1947: 16/2HøneHen
211Pr. 1947: 12/1ElefantElephant1937 og 1941
211/1Pr. 1947: 16/3Elefant/storElephant, Large
211/2Elefant/mindreElephant, Smaller
212GedebukBilly Goat
212/1Pr. 1947: 8/2Gedelam/kidGoat Kid
212/2GedebukBilly Goat
213Pr. 1947: 16/4AndDuck
213/1Pr. 1947: 10/2AndDuck
213/2Pr.1947 9/2. Pr. 1958 1041. Pr. 1959 BILOfixVildandWild Duck
214Pr. 1947: 10/3GrisPig
214/1Pr. 1947: 8/7GrisPig
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