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More free content is coming to LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey with Klombo update

Klombo Update: A New Update to LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey

LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey: Lost Isles remarkably enriches the depth and variety of the survival crafting game with a gigantic new area full of new creatures, items, and wildlife.

In this LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey: Lost Isles guide, we’ll give you a head start on what’s new in LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey V31.20.

How to find Lost Isles

Lost Isles is a destination at the recently added Bus Station.

Bus Stations arrived in LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey not long before the Lost Isles update. When you arrive on your island, Bus Stations will be scattered throughout your world. You can hear their sounds as you approach and see their satellite dish’s pulsating halo from a distance.

Our Bus Stations usually appear near villages.

Explore Lost Isles

Any Battle Bus Station will transport you to Lost Isles, which has a diverse ecosystem featuring five different environments. Here’s what to know about each one:


The Beach is a great place to pursue relaxation… just be careful of the Pirates landlubbin’ in and out of Pirate Towns. Mind your sea legs — these scallywag dogs will be setting their sights your way!


Now you’re in the thick of it! The Jungle is a lush biome with helpful plants like Hop Flowers that make you bounce, Slurp Plants that heal you, and damaging Bomb and Stink Flowers that can help you defend yourself.

Defend yourself against what, you ask? The Storm-Wild Tomatoes. Maybe they arrived after “Tomato Town” was wiped out, or maybe they’ve been here before Tomato Town was even a thing.


The Plains are anything but plain, but they’re plenty plantain — this biome is the home of the Peely Tribe! (Yes we know plantains aren’t the same as bananas. We wouldn’t slip up like that…) The members of the Peely Tribe are friendly and need all the help they can get to drive back the pillaging pirates and other lurking foes.


Get ready for a pretty view! Climb to the top of the Mountains to feel high and mighty and pluck some pineapples too. Pirate fortresses can be found here along with callous creatures…

Floating Islands

Seen from most places in Lost Isles, the Floating Islands act as a great compass for your travels (if you don’t want to use your actual Compass). While a challenging biome to traverse, the encounters and critters you’ll find here offer rewards you won't find anywhere else. Launch yourself off a geyser to glide up here, or maybe just build some stairs.

New Items

Lost Isles bring with them a staggering amount of new items and resources.

Cut into a tree, and you’re likely to find Mahogany, a new kind of wood for building new items that we’ll talk about soon.

You’ll find new plant varieties, like the Klomberry plant, from which you can harvest a Klomberry, which is a Klombo’s favorite snack. With a Grain Mill and a Klomberry, you can create Klomberry Seeds so that you can grow Klomberry plants of your own.

There’s also Pineapple, which is good for making Roasted Pineapple and Hawaiian Pizza. Tomato comes to LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey for the first time (as long as you don’t count Tomatohead) and is used for Tomato Seed and Roasted Tomato. With Bananas, you can make Banana Pancakes to jump higher. And Coconuts make Tropical Smoothies that boost your Stamina.

There’s a new Red Rock, which looks a lot like a red chunk of Granite. It’s useful for making all kinds of things, like the Explorer’s Machete and the Flint-Knock Pistol.

Speaking of new tools and weapons, there are four Machetes, all of which are useful for cutting through bushes and plants. Four Muskets, which are new two-handed weapons that pack a punch and knock your enemies down. Four Flint-Knock Pistols, which are so powerful that they’ll knock the firing player back. And for some ranged combat, you’ll find a variety of Throwing Spears.

Essence, which is currency used to roll and apply Runes to weapons and tools, is a constant reward from everything from weapons to plants. Use that at an Essence Table, upgraded for Lost Isles. If you find a Tome when you’re exploring, you’ll unlock a Rune or recipe.

There are also new toys, like a Cannon, both a Free-spin Swivel and a Controllable Swivel so that you can rotate things that connect to them, and a Stink Jar, which uses a Stink Gland to stink up an area.

Ride a LEGO Klombo

Now that we’ve introduced you to the terrain and the things that grow on it, it’s finally time to talk about the legendary creature that walks upon it: the LEGO Klombo.

You’ll find LEGO Klombos roaming in the Plains. Don’t be intimidated. Approach the LEGO Klombo like it was no more dangerous than a sheep, and you’ll see a prompt to Pet it. Do that, and make a few friend.

Feed LEGO Klombo any of the new plants found in Lost Isles, and they’ll be happy. Feed them a Klomberry, and they’ll be happiest – and perfectly happy for you to hop on their back and explore Lost Isles! Use the buttons on your controller or keyboard to charge, vacuum up items in your surroundings, or launch yourself into the air.

Be sure to keep your LEGO Klombo fed. After you get on for a ride, watch the blue meter, which drains over time. When it drains completely, your LEGO Klombo will get mad, buck you off, and start stomping and attacking everything nearby. Feed it, ideally, with Klomberries before that happens. But even after it happens, you can make those glowing eyes go away and calm it down by feeding it Klomberries, too.

Meeting Klombo

You can also find Mama Klombo if you explore the Lost Isles. Look for areas that include water and trees with vivid colors like blue and pink instead of the standard green leaves. They’re special areas, so you may need to travel to a nearby island to find one. You may find a cave there with a sleeping Mama Klombo inside, or you may find an altar-like outcropping in the middle of the water where you can stand to attract a Mama Klombo.

Mama Klombo may have gifts for you. And if you introduce a LEGO Klombo to the Mama Klombo, they’ll both be very happy.