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How to Get a Job in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life

Getting a Job in LEGO® Fortnite® Brick Life

LEGO Fortnite Brick Life transports you into a living, breathing world full of minifigures to meet and brick-built buildings to explore. Your job is simple: Create an awesome second life as a minifigure in a world full of adventures big and small, and customize your home in a way that’s uniquely your own.

And one of the best ways to do that is by helping your fellow minifigure pals by doing jobs for them.

Keep doing good and helpful things, and just like in real life, the jobs that you do earn you Creds that you can spend on cool things like decorations and vehicles around the bustling city of Brick Bay.

In this Fortnite Brick Life job guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about getting a job and making in-game Creds to afford your best LEGO minifigure life.

Finding your first job

Getting started can be as simple as finding and chatting to a fellow Brick Bay resident to see if they have any jobs available. And the path to your first job starts just a few feet from where you begin.

Budge, a blue bird Fortnite character, really loves to hang out near the steps at Harmonious Hall, which is like the town square in Brick Bay. Approach him, and you may see a little calendar icon to the right of the “Talk to Budge” thought bubble that hovers over his head. When you speak to him, he’ll have a special option called “Hire me!”

“You’re hired!” says Budge. “I will text you when I have a task for you.”

Soon after, you may see a little direction from LEGO Fortnite Brick Life in the upper right of your screen, such as “Ask Budge for a task at the Main Square.” Head back, chat him up, and he’ll send you on an errand, like walking 100 meters through the city. After you’ve done the task, you’ll be rewarded with Credis.

You’re free to explore Brick Bay, and when Budge needs your help, he’ll send you a notification. You’ll see those at the top of the screen and reminders at the top right of the screen.

Places to work

There are many places where you can work around Brick Bay, and part of the fun is finding them. Here are a few ideas to get you started, especially in the early game.

Watch-o-Plex. Brick Bay’s premiere movie theater always seems to need someone to help behind the counter. Located only about a block northeast of Harmonious Hall, it’s also easy to find. Head over toward the giant posters of Cuddle Team Leader, talk to Kernel Poppy behind the counter in the lobby, and you’ll become a Theatre Attendant. Not only can you help with things like serving drinks, but you can also tend the cash register and meet some patrons while earning in-game Creds.

Vaulted Value Propositions. Creds isn’t just something to earn, but it’s also something to manage in Brick Bay. And what better place to get acquainted than the bank? It’s the large, black-and-gold building with “Bank” written over the front door. Be sure to explore every room on every floor of the building’s spacious interior. Marigold has some work for you, and there are secrets to be found and ATMs to use, which you can also find throughout Brick Life. Go gather a Sack O’ Creds!

The Trot Lot. Brick Bay’s horse stables are a great way to venture out of the city. Located just to the southeast of downtown, you’ll recognize it by its distinctive yellow roof. Speak to Roan, who will be happy for some help with the stables or some feeding chores. And don’t forget to pet the animals roaming around the pen!

No matter who you work for or where you’re working, you’re always free to pick up extra work, change jobs or even talk to your boss and let them know that you need a break

Trending jobs

There’s a menu in your smartphone called “Jobs,” and this is where you can track time-sensitive jobs every day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (You can see the current time in the upper left corner of your map menu and in the upper right corner of your smartphone’s home screen.) Check out that menu for the details like their location and the number of players currently working those jobs.

Every morning at 9 a.m. in Brick Bay, you’ll get a text alerting you that trending jobs are available.

You’ll also see trending jobs at the buildings on your map. Look for the animated arrow icon pointing up and to the right.

Daily Creds Drop

The Daily Creds Drop isn’t really a job, but it’s definitely a big part of your income, so it’s worth mentioning here. Every day, in-game Creds becomes available, set aside just for you. But it won’t just appear in your account. You’ve got to do a little work to get it.

But it’s easy: You just need to find an ATM to collect what’s yours. And the “city stipend,” as it’s known in LEGO Fortnite Brick Life is a lot, so don’t ignore those notifications! (If you’re looking for an ATM, head to the bank.)

Now it’s up to you to explore and find the jobs that you most want to do. And then you can head into your smartphone menu and start spending on things like homes, decorations and even vehicles. Have fun!