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Guide to survival in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey's eclectic biomes

Guide to Survival in LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey eclectic biomes

There you are, in the middle of nowhere, hungry, without food or shelter. The sun is setting, storm clouds are rolling in, and Skeletons are rising from the ground. And that’s just your first day! From your earliest moments, you need to gather, craft and build to survive in LEGO® Fortnite® Odyssey.

It’s tough, but it’s OK, because you’re a survivor. You made it through, gathering resources, building shelter, feeding yourself and starting a village.

After you’ve got your footing, and you can reliably survive on your own, it’s time to really explore the game’s gigantic map. You’ll need to use all of your accumulated know-how and skills as you face new challenges in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey’s diverse environments, or biomes: Grasslands, Frostlands, Dry Valley and Shores. Each of those holds resources and enemies.

In this LEGO Fortnite Odyssey biomes article, we’ll teach you how to cool down in the desert heat and warm up in the alpine frost within each biome using the best items.


Although any LEGO Fortnite Odyssey game can begin in any biome, based on our experience it’s pretty likely that you’ll begin here, where grassy fields sway in the wind, rolling over gentile hills to the horizon.

In Grasslands, your biggest dangers are the enemies and the weather. And if you’ve survived a couple of in-game days, you know what to do.

You’ll be perfectly comfortable in the daytime, but when the sun dips below the horizon, you’ll get Cold and need to keep yourself warm. The easiest way to do that is with a Torch, which is one of the simplest builds in the game, requiring only a Crafting Bench, 3 Wood and 2 Vines. Carry it in your off-hand through your inventory, and you won’t need any more protection than that to survive the Cold and the rain in Grasslands.


Most of the items that you find in the Grasslands are universal, meaning that they’ll help you in every biome. Pumpkins, Corn and Raspberries are plentiful, and Pumpkins are the best early-game raw food. They take longer to eat than Raspberries, but they also restore more health and satiate more hunger. Raspberries are way less effective raw.


You don’t really need special recipes to survive the Grasslands, but you can make some helpful items with its resources.

As you play LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, doing things like upgrading your village and your Crafting Bench, you’ll receive Blueprints for new items.

When you unlock the Grill, you can add Corn to it and create Corn on the Cob, which heals you, reduces your hunger and gives you a two-minute bonus to Stamina Regeneration.

Toss some Vines on the ground near a Chicken, and they’ll eat it and lay an Egg. Put an Egg on the Grill, and you’ll make a Fried Egg, which heals you, reduces your hunger and gives you a two-minute boost to Stamina Regeneration.

When you unlock the Juicer, Raspberries become much more useful. Combine Raspberries and Slurp Mushrooms (which you can find in Caves) to create Slurp Juice, which continuously replenishes your health for five minutes.


Snow-capped mountains are one of LEGO Fortnite Odyssey’s most breathtaking visuals, but these beautiful calls to adventure beckoning in the distance are also among the most challenging in the game. The moment you walk into the snow-covered grass on the Frostland outskirts, you’ll find yourself not just Cold but Freezing, a status effect so deep that a Torch isn’t powerful enough to keep you warm. You’ll need something new to survive.


Just like the air around you, consumable resources (like food) in the Frostlands tend to be cold. They’re useful for satisfying your hunger, but they’re best in other biomes because items that are cold help with places where you’re hot. For example, a Snow Berry is a blue fruit that grows on snow-covered Frostland bushes. Eat it raw to heal, reduce your hunger and temporarily increase Heat Resistance, which is perfect for traveling through the Dry Valley deserts.


You need to keep warm, so the best things to eat in the Frostlands come from Spicy Peppers, which you can find growing on bushes in Dry Valley deserts.

At a Grill, which you can get early in the game while upgrading your village, combine one each of Flour, Meat and Spicy Pepper, and you’ll create the Spicy Burger. Eat that, and you’ll get 10 minutes of Cold Resistance.

Dry Valley and Shores

A Dry Valley is a desert, complete with sandy ground, cacti and rocky outcroppings in deep red and brown. You need to protect yourself against the heat in a Dry Valley just like you need to protect yourself against the freezing air in the Fostlands. But then the sun sets, and you’ll find yourself Cold at night in a Dry Valley. You never get a break!

Shores biomes are a lot like Dry Valleys, in that they’re effectively desert environments nestled up against a body of water. They share so much in common that we can learn about them at the same time.


Two consumables define LEGO Fortnite Odyssey’s arid environments: Slap Berries and Spicy Peppers. (You’ll also find Raspberries on Shores.)

Slap Berries grow on Dry Valley bushes. They look a lot like a yellow version of the Grasslands’ Raspberries. You can also find them in Shore environments, which are an awful lot like thin deserts next to water.

Spicy Peppers also grow on a bush in a Dry Valley. Spicy Peppers will keep you warm, which makes them perfect for the freezing Frostlands.


After you’ve unlocked the Juicer (which we discussed in the Grasslands section above), you can combine 2 Snow Berries and 1 Milk (from petting a Cow) to make a Snowberry Shake, which grants you 10 minutes of Heat Resistance.

At night, you get Cold but not Freezing, so make sure to bring a Torch with you.

The best recipes for each LEGO Fortnite Odyssey biome come from other biomes, and they reward your sense of curiosity and experimentation. Now you can wear your best equipment, gather some allies, head out on an adventure to find their ingredients and craft them all. Good luck!