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Becoming a Playground Builder

“The Leadership Playground is a wonderful safe space” - Jeremy Lim, Customer Service Manager, New Zealand

Leading your team

Leading your team can be one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs you do. But we believe it’s more than that, we believe it’s fun, exciting and most importantly, the perfect learning experience.

When you join the LEGO Group, you’ll hear of the Leadership Playground. It’s a place where you can be heard, no matter your role. A place where you can be valued, no matter your ideas. Because for us, leadership isn’t just a position, it’s an act.

In the Playground

In the Leadership Playground, you can volunteer to become a Playground Builder just like Jeremy. It’ll be your chance to make an impact, create change, and more importantly, bring the best out of our awesome people. You’ll get to lead your team through some tough but fun challenges, find solutions to everyday problems, and help each other learn. Like Jeremy, you’ll host workshops, Campfire sessions and discussions. With his team, Jeremy ran an agile workshop to help to find new ways of working, and discussed how they can all be brave, curious and focused in their roles, making sure everyone is working to their best potential.

A reflection from Jeremy

‘Reflecting back, I thought it was a really great session for us all, coming together and brainstorming ideas of how we want to achieve our team goals. Our facilitator, our Agile Coach, was calling in from Denmark, so being able to do it all virtually too was really amazing. My team really enjoyed it a lot.’

If you want to be a part of our Leadership Playground and would like to join the LEGO Group, click here to discover our opportunities.