Build & Talk: Online Security

Build & Talk: Online Security

Q&A for grown-ups

Before you start the new Build & Talk: Online Security activity with your child – why not refresh your knowledge on the topic?

You’ll find some helpful information below. When you’ve had a look, start the activity here.

online security
  • question mark

    What is online security?

    Online security is the practice of protecting our data and devices. Just like we lock the door when we leave our house to prevent unwanted people from entering, we should lock our digital vaults to protect our online lives from various threats and keep the key safe.

  • Lock security

    How can I help my child stay safe online?

    Regularly talking about online security helps your whole family learn how to stay safe. Teach your child that not everything and everyone is as they seem online – a common method of stealing information is to pretend to be someone the victim trusts. So, it’s important to never give out sensitive information such as our name, address, social security number and passwords to people we’re not sure we know.

  • Password safe

    How do we make safe passwords?

    The stronger your child’s passwords, the more protected their information will be. Use passphrases instead of passwords which are at least 15 characters long, made up of three random words with a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols such as "&Cherry!Duck0Butterfly". Changing them every six months adds an extra layer of security. You can also use the password managers that are built into many online browsers to make randomized passwords that are hard to guess. Talk with your child about why they should keep passwords private and let them know that they can always come to you for help.

  • Speech bubble

    Why is it important to remind my child that things aren’t always as they seem online?

    Another common online threat is people or content – such as fake commercials, fake websites, fake emails and pop-ups – pretending to be something they’re not to gain our trust and persuade us to allow them access to our digital devices and assets. It can be hard enough to spot these fraudsters as an adult, but it’s even harder for children, which is why it’s important to have regular conversations about what we’re doing on our devices.

  • Light bulb

    What are some tips for staying secure online?

    Some simple strategies to stay secure online can be to delete and block suspicious messages, and to keep software updated on phones, tablets and other devices. This means if we do happen to install something bad, it most likely won’t be able to work on our devices. Remind your child they can ask you for help if they’re in doubt. Remember, two sets of eyes is better than one.

  • Hand share

    Who can you safely share sensitive information with?

    Even people we meet online who seem friendly, or websites and apps that look safe, may not be. Before sharing anything, encourage your child to think: Do I know the person well? Would I trust them to take care of my favorite toy? Is the app or website made for kids? If the answer is no or they are unsure, then it’s best they check first with a trusted grown-up.

  • Mobile device

    What about keeping my child’s device safe?

    When your child gets a new smartphone or tablet, activate the password/passcode protection right away. This will help protect their personal information and stop it getting into the wrong hands.

  • Exclamation mark

    What should I do if my child experiences a security breach?

    Most of us will accidentally click a link in a scam email at some point but what’s important is that your child knows that they can come to you for support if it happens. If it’s our password that is compromised, we should log out of all devices attached to the account immediately and set up a strong new password; and remember that you can always consult online search engines for help and guidance.

the LEGO logo

How is the LEGO Group helping keep kids safe online?

Our digital experiences and games are safe-by-design and we always strive to be best in class when it comes to our users’ online safety. On our social platforms, all comments and uploads are checked by trained moderators, so things are kept positive and fun and children get playful, randomized names to protect their identity.

We have also introduced Verified Parental Consent, enabling parents to verify themselves and give consent for their child to play and share in our LEGO® experiences.