We’ve moved all the pieces that were previously available to buy in Bricks & Pieces into Pick a Brick for a one-stop parts shop. We’re excited for you to try it out and we hope it makes shopping for parts easier than ever.
Bestsellers are our most popular parts and are indicated by a yellow flag. Any items that aren’t labeled as Bestsellers are our Standard parts.
The parts you order from us on Pick a Brick will come from one of two warehouses. Bestsellers come from our warehouse in Illinois. If you choose only Bestsellers, we can process them more quickly and you’ll be able to track your order. Any items in your cart that aren’t labeled as Bestsellers ship from our headquarters in Billund, Denmark, and won’t have tracking info.
While we’ve worked hard to keep the prices as low as we can, you might see higher prices on some of our more specialized parts. You’ll also see some parts at a lower price. In the past, for example, you might have seen the same part in a different color at a higher price, but now all parts of the same size will cost the same.
You may notice that your selected bricks are split into two categories: Bestseller and Standard.
Because our parts are handpicked, we charge a service fee. If you’ve picked out both Bestseller and Standard items, your order may have two service fees. The service fee for Bestseller items is $7.00 USD / $9.50 CAD. For standard items, it’s $7.00 USD / $9.50 CAD. As long as you’ve ordered more than $14.00 USD / $20.00 CAD in a category, we’ll remove the service fee for those parts.
Bestseller items will be on your doorstep within 5 business days. Standard orders will normally arrive in 11-15 business days but may sometimes take up to 28 days to be delivered. Express deliveries aren’t available for Pick a Brick orders.
Yes, absolutely! Phone orders will ship from our Denmark warehouse and usually arrive in 11-15 days but sometimes can take up to 28 days to be delivered. Give our Customer Service team a call to place your order!
What if I have missing or broken bricks? If you’re looking to replace any missing and broken bricks, you’ll still want to use Bricks & Pieces.