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For grown-ups


      • LEGO® Marvel™

        Meet Captain America

        Since opposing the Sokovia Accords, the super-soldier has remained under the radar while continuing to do what he believes is right — saving the world one clandestine mission at a time.

        Meet Captain America
        • LEGO® Marvel™

          Meet Star-Lord

          From the age of 8, Peter Quill was trained as an intergalactic mercenary. Upon reaching adulthood, he set off solo with his trusty spaceship and his late mother’s mixtape of Earth pop music, rebranding himself as the infamous Star-Lord, a thief renowned throughout the galaxy – or so he thinks. While Peter is by no means dim-witted, his clever intellect often causes him more problems than it solves.

          • LEGO® Marvel™

            Meet Rocket

            Rocket, aka Subject 89P13, is a genetically and cybernetically enhanced criminal born from illegal experiments on Halfworld. Alongside Groot, his buddy and fellow bounty hunter, Rocket’s got a rap sheet with the Nova Corps including theft (13 counts), jailbreak (22 counts), mercenary work (7 counts) … and biting!

            • LEGO® Marvel™

              Meet Adam Warlock

              The golden-skinned Adam Warlock was genetically engineered to be perfect by the nefarious Enclave. With energy-based powers alone, he’s already a formidable force, but when he wields the Soul Stone, 1 of the 6 Infinity Stones, he becomes one of the universe’s most powerful warriors.

              • LEGO® Marvel™

                Meet Mantis

                Raised in isolation, Mantis struggles with social interaction. Her time with the Guardians of the Galaxy, however, is changing that. With her empath powers and mood-revealing antennae, she’s breaking down barriers and letting her light shine bright!

                • LEGO® Marvel™

                  Meet Drax

                  Drax is a battle-hardened brawler with unparalleled power and mercilessness. A former intergalactic crook, he doesn’t care about wealth, only revenge for his slain kin – and opposing anyone who messes with the Guardians of the Galaxy. He wields dual knives, but isn’t shy about using the Hadron Enforcer, a weapon created using spare parts from the Milano spaceship.

                  • LEGO® Marvel™

                    Meet Thor

                    Still striving to earn his worthiness, the mighty God of Thunder will be put to the test when he finds himself confronting the unstoppable Thanos.

                    • LEGO® Marvel™

                      Meet Black Widow

                      One of the deadliest spies in the world finds herself once again on the run after the Avengers disband. But her killer instinct will need to be at the top of its game when the greatest cosmic threat ever known descends on Earth.

                      • LEGO® Marvel™

                        Meet Loki

                        Loki, Prince of Asgard and master of mischief and deception, was raised in the shadow of his stronger and kinder brother Thor. Believing himself to be the rightful King, Loki honed his magical powers with the aim of using them to seize the throne. Determined to prove his worth and earn his father’s approval, Loki will stop at nothing to seize the crown and assert himself as the ruler of Asgard.

                        • LEGO® Marvel™

                          Meet Nebula

                          As a member of the blue and purple-skinned Luphomoid race, Nebula’s life changed forever when Thanos killed her family and took her in as his daughter, grooming her to be a fierce galactic warrior. With the help of Kree warlord Ronan the Accuser, Nebula was trained alongside fellow disciples Gamora and Korath the Pursuer to become a Galaxy-Class Killer.

                          • LEGO® Marvel™

                            Meet Iron Man

                            After being an integral part of the Avengers team from the start, Tony Stark finds himself divided from Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. But now, faced with an imminent, deadly threat unlike any he has ever encountered, Stark will be forced to call upon some familiar faces as well as do battle alongside some new allies.

                          LEGO® Marvel™

                          Guardians of the Galaxy

                          Join the Guardians of the Galaxy on a mission through space. Play as Star Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Drax, and unlock the ability to play as Groot, as they retrieve the treasures and equipment they need to uncloak the evil Ronan and save the galaxy.

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