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For grown-ups

Guy Diamond


    Lives in: Pop Village, Pop World Top Troll traits: Not a big fan of clothes. Silver-sparkly from hair to toe. Breaks into auto-tuned crooning when he’s excited. Fun facts: Guy Diamond makes you feel and look all bright and shiny. Literally. His sparkly skin rubs off everywhere and leaves a trail of diamond dust that always brightens everyone’s day. Blessed with heaps of confidence, he’s always the life, song and dance of the party. He recently had a son, Tiny Diamond, who has found his own way to follow in his proud dad’s musical footsteps.

      • LEGO® Trolls


        Lives in: The ocean, Techno World Top Troll traits: Purple mer-Troll. Pink hair, tail and back fins. Techno dance expert. Fun facts: Put your hair in the air, or rather, in the water, for the mermaid Troll. You can find her NOT ballroom dancing on her underwater dancefloor. In fact, she’s more of a techno-type Troll. Her best friend is an octopus. They may live in the ocean, but these two best buds will never put a damper on any Troll party.

        Meet Mermaid
        • LEGO® Trolls

          Battle Dwarf

          “Five angry trolls and a rock giant? Hah, what else d’ya got?” The Battle Dwarf is a fierce warrior of the Boar Clan, a brave and proud family renowned throughout the land for their expert iron-forging. He carries the axe Gougetusk, crafted by his own hand, and the legendary war hammer Snoutsmasher, famed for its ability to flatten enemies with the force of a charging razorback. The Battle Dwarf is as loyal a friend as he is ferocious an opponent, though his hearty back-slaps of comradery are almost as likely to knock you over as a blow from his hammer. The tattoo on his shoulder recounts the tale of how he once faced a fire-breathing sea dragon. He didn’t manage to slay it or anything, but just getting away in one piece was considered a great heroic achievement – and the encounter left him with his magnificent new hairstyle, too!

          • LEGO® Trolls

            Queen Barb

            Lives in: Volcano Rock City, Rock World Top Troll traits: Red mohawk hair. Smokey eyes (mostly from living near a volcano). Rides a leather and denim tour bus shaped like a deep-sea angler fish. Fun facts: Queen Barb, the queen of rock, has a plan. To rule the world of Trolls with rock music! Partly because she wants her old retired rocker dad to feel proud of her. But mostly because she hates ALL other music than rock – and sticky-sweet pop is the worst of all. She plans to rule her new queendom from her fortress at the center of an active volcano.

            • LEGO® Trolls


              Lives in: Pop Village, Pop World Top Troll traits: Bright-blue dreadlocks. Big smile. Smart hat. Oh, and four legs, of course. Fun facts: Unlike most other Trolls, Cooper has four legs instead of just two. And he’s not afraid to wiggle them about in the craziest dance moves. He may not be the brightest Troll around, but he’s definitely one of the friendliest, happiest and, not least, grooviest. His biggest talents are wicked harmonica solos, brutal honesty and pooping cupcakes when he’s scared.

              • LEGO® Trolls

                Biggie and Mr Dinkles

                Live in: Pop Village, Pop World Top Troll traits: Biggie: Large. Blue. Comfy pants. Mr. Dinkles: Small. Yellow/pink. Mostly says “meep”. Fun facts: Biggie’s heart is almost as big as he is. And that’s saying something. But don’t let his enormous size scare you. He is really just a big old softie. He is not ashamed to burst into tears at touching moments. (Of which he has a lot.) He carries his beloved pet worm and trusty friend, Mr. Dinkles, everywhere he goes and likes to spoil him by dressing him up in cute little outfits.

                • LEGO® Trolls


                  Lives in: Pop Village, Pop World Top Troll traits: A little grumpy-looking. Favorite outfit: Vests. Purple-ish blue, spikey hair. Fun facts: Where others see problems, Branch sees catastrophes. If you think he is grumpy now, it’s nothing compared to how bad it used to be. Since the Trolls made their peace with the Bergins, Branch CAN be fun when he wants to. But for now, he’s most happy when he can keep to himself, avoid high-fives, snap branches when he gets mad, and prepare for new dangers that are sure to come down upon the Trolls any minute now.

                  • LEGO® Trolls

                    Cloud Guy

                    Lives in: Pop Village, Pop World Top Troll traits: Head in the clouds. (Actually, his head IS a cloud.) White sports socks. Sly smile. Fun facts: Cloud Guy doesn’t take himself, or anything else, too seriously. He loves riddles, jokes, rain, having a good time and helping out his friends. For a high-five, of course. He enjoys teasing Branch because who could be more fun to tease than the most serious guy in town? He means no harm, he just can’t help playing pranks on everyone.

                    • LEGO® Trolls

                      Queen Poppy

                      Lives in: Pop Village, Pop World Top Troll traits: Cheerful-looking. Tall, pink hair. Sparkly cheeks. Fun facts: Queen Poppy is like sparkles in a Troll shape. She is the eternally happy and beloved leader of the Trolls. She truly believes that everything is possible, as long as you have a pop song in your heart. She gets very frustrated when others don’t get along and will do anything in her power to make them! She believes that, in life, why say it when you can sing it? Oh, and there’s nothing you can’t fix, celebrate or solve with a sparkly scrapbook.

                      • LEGO® Trolls


                        Lives in: Lonesome Flats, Country World Top Troll traits: Four horse legs and two arms. High-crowned, wide-brimmed cowboy hat. Chewing straw sticking out of his mouth. Fun facts: Hickory is a ruggedly handsome Country Western Troll. He can charm everyone with a singing voice that’s as smooth as his saddle. He has strong opinions about what’s right and what’s wrong. He comes to the Trolls’ rescue in Lonesome Flats, but can the Trolls trust him? Or is Hickory harboring a secret?