Educational Games

Searching for the LEGO® DUPLO® brick

A blindfolded DUPLO figure

Can you help match these DUPLO® bricks? Is the brick curved or flat, tall or short? This activity is all about using your sense of touch.


  • Step 1

    Find matching pairs of DUPLO shapes

    Look through your bricks and pick out four to eight pairs of the same shape.

  • Step 2

    Get a bag

    Put one of each pair of your bricks in the bag.

  • Step 3

    Put a blindfold on your child

    No peeking! 

  • Step 4

    Ask them to feel the bricks out of the bag

    Are they curved, sloped or flat? How many studs do they have? Are they long or short?

  • Step 5

    Let's play

    Ask your child to reach into the bag and find the brick pairs. When you're done, why not try and build something with them?

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