Reflection Activities

Build a birthday memory box

Minifigures looking at different trinkets


  • Step 1

    Gather all the souvenirs and knick-knacks together

    Minifigure with shells and collectables

    All those shells from the beach, the funny-shaped stones, the coins, the friendship bracelets – whatever it is you’ve collected over the last year. Ask what’s special about each of them? What made you keep them?

  • Step 2

    Build an awesome box to put them in

    A box made from LEGO bricks

    Start by finding two large baseplates (these are the big flat pieces) of the same size: one for the bottom of the box, one for the lid. Then build the walls – finish them with tile elements and just a few small plates in the corners. That way the lid will go on and off easily.

  • Step 3

    Decorate the lid of your box

    A LEGO box with the number nine on it

    How about building a big number – wait, how old are you now? Really?! OK, let’s build that number on top! Then put all those little memories into the box and close the lid. Keep it somewhere safe – next year, you can build another box to put next to it.

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