Creative Activities

Can you Build a Brick Pyramid?

Minifigures building a pyramid

Imagine the desert sand sweeping before you, will you be able to build the greatest pyramid ever?


  • Step 1

    Grab some bricks

    Minifigures with a pile of LEGO bricks

    Each person needs a pile of basic LEGO® bricks to build a pyramid.

  • Step 2

    Get building

    Minifigures building a pyramid

    Start at the bottom and build up. Remember to overlap the bricks to make your pyramid stronger.

  • Step 3

    Guess how many bricks you each used

    Minifigures standing around a finished pyramid

    How many bricks are in your opponent’s pyramid? You have 20 seconds to make your guess.

  • Step 4

    Swap pyramids

    Minifigures taking the pyramid apart

    And take each other’s apart. Then count how many bricks you each used. Who guessed the closest?

  • Step 5

    Have another go with a different epic build

    Minifigures building a sphynx

    What other ancient monuments could you make? How about a magnificent palace? A mighty obelisk? Or even a mysterious sphinx?

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