The LEGO® Certified Professionals (LCP) program is made up of adult LEGO entrepreneurs who have turned their passion for the LEGO brick and system into a full-time or part-time profession.
Can an LCP build a special LEGO product(s) for me/my company?
LCPs can build a custom LEGO model in different sizes. They cannot however make multiple ‘special LEGO products’ or custom made minifigures for 3rd parties for sale or to give away.
Are the products and services of LCPs for free and can they build anything for me/my company?
LCPs charge for their products and services, and there are some restrictions as to what they can build. You can enquire with an LCP to explore what is possible.
How can I become an LCP?
In order to become an LCP, one has to fulfill two requirements:
You need to be a business owner or in the process of becoming a business owner working with the LEGO brick as part of your product/services. Important selection criteria are as stated above and will also be stated in the recruitment posting.
The LCP position is country-specific, and the recruited LCP must live and work in the same country as the local LEGO office looking to recruit an LCP.
Can I attend a course or get trained to become an LCP?
No, there is no training, certificate or other curriculum available. Please see the criteria above for LCP selection.
Who can apply to become a LEGO Certified Professional?
The LEGO Certified Professional program is, tailored for professional individuals with excellent LEGO building skills, a collaborative approach and a strong passion for the LEGO Brand, brick and building system.
The initial requirements that LCP candidates shall meet are:
• Document a working business model and business plan for their business which is focused on creating unique LEGO experiences.
• Document excellent LEGO building skills.
• Document ability to organize and drive building projects and coordinate events/happenings.
• You speak the native language of the country / region were we are looking for an LCP incl English.
How to apply?
If you have any questions regarding the LCP program please send an email to