For as long as we've been a company, our core values have been Fun, Creativity, Imagination, Learning, Quality and Caring. We wish to make a difference in the lives of children and further their opportunities to learn and develop. We take our responsibility for making children's lives better very seriously, so we support several charitable programmes.
We want our contributions to have the greatest possible effect for the children, so we concentrate our efforts on supporting major children's charities in the UK. Right now, we’re working with the Toy Trust and Sebastian's Action Trust.
On a global level, we help children through the activities of the LEGO Foundation, which works hard to improve the lives of children through education and play. They also collaborate with other organisations that promote children’s right to play, create and learn, as well as charities that support disadvantaged and vulnerable children.
If you want to learn more about our efforts, please visit the ‘About us’ section of our website for more information.