Write to LEGO® Magazine
Have you ever wanted to share an awesome story with other LEGO® Magazine members? You can send us letters, drawings… anything you’d like to share. There’s a chance it’ll get printed in the LEGO Magazine!
To write to LEGO Magazine, ask a parent or guardian to download the form here. Fill that in and send it, with your letter, to the email address in the form.
Here are some submission guidelines:
- Don’t write your letter by hand. Type it instead.
- If you’re sending a drawing or picture, please don’t write on the page.
- Submissions can only be sent to the email address on the form.
- Fill out the form in ALL CAPS so it’s easy for us to read!
We get a lot of letters from LEGO fans all over the world. We read each and every one, but we don’t have space to print all of them in the magazine. Even if your letter doesn’t get printed, we thank you for taking the time to share it with us. We love seeing the fantastic things our fans create!
We look forward to hearing from you!