Unsubscribing from the LEGO® Magazine

How to unsubscribe from the LEGO® Magazine:

  1. Log in to your account. You’ll be on the ‘Manage Your LEGO Magazine Subscription’ page.
  2. Click or tap on ‘Subscribers’ in the menu on the left.
  3. Pick the subscription you’d like to cancel then click or tap on ‘Cancel subscription’.
  4. Confirm you want to cancel the subscription.

You’ll receive an email to confirm that you’ve successfully unsubscribed from the LEGO Magazine. If you have more than one subscription, you’ll have to go through these steps for each subscription you’d like to cancel.

You might still receive one last magazine after unsubscribing. We always send the membership data to our publisher early, so they may already be getting ready to send the next issue.

We’ll miss you!

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