Cool Creations

Have you ever built something so cool with your LEGO® bricks you wanted to share it with the whole world? With Cool Creations in the LEGO Magazine, you can!

And there’s more! Cool Creations isn’t just for LEGO builds. You can also send us letters, LEGO drawings or a fun LEGO comic starring your favorite minifigure.

To submit your entry to Cool Creations, you’ll need some help from a parent or guardian. Don’t worry, it’s super easy – just follow these steps together:

  1. Go to this page and get your photo ready.
  2. We’ll ask your grown-up to log in to their LEGO account .
  3. If you’re not already a subscriber to LEGO Magazine, we’ll ask them to make a subscription for you.
  4. Next, upload a picture of you and your creation.
Here are a few things it’s good to remember before uploading.
  • Photos should be a minimum of 300 dpi and be at least 10 x 15 cm / 4" x 6".
  • If you’re sending a drawing or picture, please don’t write on it.
  • If you’re sending a letter, type it out instead of writing by hand.
  • Make sure your file is less than 10 MB.
  • Images should be clear, not fuzzy.
  • Use a simple background.
  • Most importantly, the creation must be your own, and not a LEGO® set created by anyone else.

We get a ton of Cool Creations entries each month. Even though they’re all amazing, we can’t print them all. So if your creation doesn’t make it into the magazine, you can always submit it for the next one – or share it with other LEGO fans in the LEGO Play app! 

We can’t wait to see what you’ve created!

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