We choose high-quality materials for our LEGO® and DUPLO® toys to give children the safest and best play experience possible.
Since 1963, most LEGO pieces have been made of a high-quality plastic called ABS. It provides the unique connective grip (clutch power), high gloss and colours LEGO bricks are known for. It also meets a long list of safety, durability and quality rules.
Although elastic parts are quite rare in our sets, we do use some white, red and blue silicone parts. Our tyres have a soft feel to them because of a material called SBS or SEBS, which is commonly found in vehicle mud guards and shoe soles.
We can’t promise that our toys are entirely free from latex rubber parts. If you’re worried that you or a loved one might have allergic reactions when playing with LEGO toys, we suggest that you follow the same procedures as with other possible allergens. It’s always a good idea to take your previous history into account and carefully watch out for any unwanted results.
All LEGO toys are tested by independent laboratories and meet or exceed all toy safety laws wherever they’re sold. You can find out more about how we make LEGO toys as safe as possible here.