Building tips for Master Builders
There’s something almost magical about the process of building your own creations or using thousands and thousands of LEGO® bricks for one of the spectacular display models you can see in our stores, in LEGOLAND® parks, or in many other places.
Did you know that we even have teams that get to design new sets for a living? Most of them started out as big fans (just like you). If you have a great project in mind, you can apply the same rules as our designers. They always try to come up with new, innovative ways of building and create models that will be fun to build and play with!
They begin without any instructions, building and making changes as they go. Once everything lines up and is as sturdy as it can be, they’ll start on the final version. It always takes several tries until they create something they like so if you're building something, don’t be disheartened if it doesn’t quite look like you want it to. After all, practice makes perfect.
If you’d rather not start building right away, you could use a 3D design software. Master Model Builders use software similar to Studio to create their first designs. If you want to try out Studio, you can download it for free.
Get inspired, get building and most importantly: have fun!