Rare animals: Sea Lions
Did you know that the sea lions in the Galápagos Islands are also endangered animals? Not that they seem very stressed about it if you see them. They are naturally curious, cute and playful like puppies, and can often be found basking in the sun on shores, beaches and even on fishing boats! If you see one – or any other sea lion – in real life, make sure you keep your distance, so you don’t scare them.
Their natural enemies are sharks and killer whales. Like many other marine mammals, they often have a hard time finding food as ocean temperatures rise and their food sources shrink. They often mistake plastic waste for food, which makes them sick.
So what can you do to help the sea lions? Find more articles here on LEGO® Life and learn how you can help reduce plastic waste in the oceans!
Become a Sea Life Friend today. Make your pledge or find more articles here on LEGO® Life and learn how you can help save the oceans.