Amber Spiral – Chapter 5: Into the Tomb
Morning Ninjagrammers! I know it’s early, but I wanted to give you a play-by-play of the tomb now that Egon’s brought us to this dank, eerie hole in the ground.
I’ve asked Chamille to stay topside with Egon, both to keep a lookout and so that she can’t pocket anything she sees down here. At best, these dusty relics belong in the NINJAGO® Museum of History. At worst, they need to be locked in a secure vault where no one can ever stumble across them again.
Yeah, there’s something wrong here, and it’s not just the armies of bugs crawling all over the walls. This is exactly what I saw in my vision, and now I can make out details: the walls are lined with relics from another time, each one embedded with small chunks or strips of Chronosteel.
It’s a weird assortment of knick-knacks – a harp, a helmet, even a fan – but I’m starting to build a picture here. I can feel them humming with power, and I’m certain each one is charged with a fraction of an elemental power. That tracks with Egon’s ‘magic’ wand – I think you’re right about it holding the power of Wind.
The weirdest thing is this urn. It’s plain, no markings or creepy symbols, but I can’t take my attention away from it. It’s like it’s watching me, beckoning me to touch it, and I don’t think I can help myself…