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Fun Firsts: Your Baby’s First Haircut

Fun Firsts: Your Baby’s First Haircut!

The day has finally come – your little one is headed to the hairdresser’s. Here’s how to make this first experience a fun one!

You’ll always remember your child’s first trip to the hairdresser’s – it’s a totally new experience and surprisingly emotional, too. As they sit in the hairdresser’s chair and the scissors slowly start to snip...*Holds breath*... How will they react? Will they still look the same? Relax, we’re here to help.

A lot of parents ask what’s the best age for a first hair cut? But the truth is, there’s no right or wrong time. Some kids have their hair cut as early as eight months, others not until they’re two or three years old. You might want the hairdresser to style or braid your little one’s hair instead. It’s completely up to you!

Let’s run through some tips to prepare you both for the big moment...


Start talking about haircuts for a few minutes every day, explaining where they will go and what will happen. Make it sound positive and routine, like going to the park or brushing their teeth.

You could show them pictures or videos of children having their hair done (positive ones, of course!) and talk about what’s happening, like sitting in the chair, wearing the special bib, and the hairdresser touching the child’s hair.

For parents of SEND children, your little one might be particularly sensitive to being touched and find the sounds and smells of the hairdresser’s overwhelming. You might want to visit several times beforehand, to familiarize them with the experience. They could try sitting in the chair, if they feel comfortable enough.

Some nurseries offer a mobile hairdressing service, so your little one can have their hair cut in a familiar environment. Whatever their needs, you know how your little one responds best. Go at their pace and trust your instincts!

Act it out

Role-play the experience by sitting them in a little chair or booster seat in front of a mirror, drape them in a dishtowel or apron, and pretend to do their hair, describing what you’re doing to them. If they’re unsure, do it on one of their teddies or dolls instead, encouraging them to have a go, too.

You could even buy hairdresser-themed toys, such as wooden scissors and a hairdryer, to make the role play even more fun and realistic!

Choosing a hairdresser’s

Do your research to find the best salon for your little one. Lots of places cater for young children; some provide playful booster seats, calming things to watch or ‘first haircut’ certificates to take home and cherish – cute!

Trim time!

On appointment day, follow your usual morning routine. Allow for energy-burning playtime, and make sure they’ve eaten! This will help them feel calm and relaxed for the haircut.

Top tip: take some of their favorite books to read or bring your favorite LEGO® DUPLO® bricks to play with during the appointment!

On your way, talk casually about where you’re going, along with other things, too – you don’t want it to feel like a big deal. Once you arrive, take your time to settle them in. Some things you can do to soothe them...

  • Let them watch other people getting their haircut, talking them through what’s happening.
  • Stay close to your little one throughout, so they feel your comforting presence.
  • Provide them with some running commentary about what’s happening, “The hairdryer will be a bit noisy!”, “The hair might tickle you as it falls!”

Every child is unique, and you know them best. So, trust your magical parental instincts!

After the haircut

Ta-da! Time to praise your little one for being such a superstar. Whether they breezed through or were a little emotional (both are common reactions!), it’s important to say, “Well done!”. This will give them a boost of confidence and sense of accomplishment.

And don’t forget to compliment their cute, new look!

We hope you’re feeling a little more prepared for that first trip to the hairdresser’s. Don’t forget to take before-and-after photos of this important step in your little one’s life!

Want more advice on making ‘firsts’ fun? Read our guide on how to prepare for the first day of nursery!