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Becoming a Model Designer at The LEGO Group

Being a LEGO® Model Designer is rewarding and tons of fun! You get to travel and meet new people. One day you might be building a 2.5 metre replica of Batman™ out of LEGO® bricks and the next you could be working on a new attraction at LEGOLAND®! Can you imagine a cooler job?

Most LEGO® Model Designers go to college and study 3D Arts. Some also have backgrounds in industrial design, architecture, carpentry, theatre design and even sculpting.

If you're interested in becoming a designer, the best thing to do is play with LEGO® bricks as much as possible. Try building a realistic model using only standard bricks. When we meet people who want to become designers, we often ask them to build a small head out of LEGO® bricks in just four hours. It's not as easy as it sounds!

Once you’ve mastered building real things, try mixing things up using your imagination. Become comfortable thinking ideas through: what works, what doesn’t and how can you turn any weaknesses into strengths?

The more skills you have under your belt, the better your ideas will be. Mathematics and Science are important for understanding how things work. English helps you explain why your idea is important and business skills will help you figure out if your idea will help you retire as a millionaire. Pretty much every subject is useful!

When you feel ready, you can check out what jobs we currently offer at www.LEGO.com/careers.