Team Activities

Birthday party scavenger hunt

LEGO Minifigure hiding in a house

Get your LEGO® Minifigures, make some clues for your party guests and let the hunt begin…


  • Step 1


    LEGO minifigure hiding in a cup

    Prepare your clue cards ahead of time. These should tell guests who to find and where to find the hidden minifigures

  • Step 2

    Get hiding, then get finding!

    LEGO Minifigure hiding in a garden

    Find some amazing hiding spaces. Then it’s time to start!

  • Step 3

    Did you find them all?

    LEGO minifigures and clue cards

    Which hiding place did you like best? Where would your ultimate hiding place be?

  • Step 4

    Too easy?

    LEGO minifigure hiding in a bookcase

    Use your clue cards to create a further challenge – you could write extra challenges on the back of the cards – these could be things like balancing a brick on your nose for 10 seconds.

Want to take it a step further?

  • Create a fun treasure map to guide your players
  • Hide LEGO® bricks to use for a special build at the end of the hunt.
  • Remember to have some prizes ready for the best scavengers.

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