Creative Activities

Ever decreasing pieces

Confused minifigures holding a couple of LEGO bricks

In this activity, the more you build the harder it gets... So, every time you build something, you’re going to lose four bricks!


  • Step 1

    Come up with some ideas of what to build

    Minifigures with pencils and drawings

    Cut up a sheet of card into small rectangles. Then take 5 minutes to draw as many ideas as you can. When you’re done, turn the cards upside-down and make a pile with everyone’s ideas. You’ll need about ten cards for each team.

  • Step 2

    Get 20 bricks for each team

    Minifigures with a pile of bricks

    Make sure you choose a good range of pieces: bricks, plates, slopes and SNOTs (studs-not-on-top bricks).

  • Step 3

    Build your first object

    Minifigures with a turtle build based on a turtle drawing

    Pick somebody in your team to go first. They take an object card, making sure no-one else can see it. They’ve then got one minute to build the object with your team’s 20 bricks. The rest of the team has to guess what the object is.

  • Step 4

    Pick another card

    Minifigures with a car build based on a car drawing

    The next person in each team then picks a card. They’ve got one minute to take apart the last object and build the new one. Except this time, they can only use 16 bricks. The rest of the team has to guess what the object is.

  • Step 5

    Keep picking cards, taking off four bricks each time

    Minifigures surrounded by builds based on drawings

    Keep going until you’re down to just four bricks –that makes five cards for each team. Did you manage to guess all your objects?

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