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How to make the School Run Fun for Kids

How to Make the School Run Fun for Kids

Say goodbye to monotonous school runs! Get your little one to the school gates feeling geared up for the day with some of these top tips...

The school run can be stressful! With so many moving parts, it’s a race against the clock getting everyone dressed and out of the house. When’s the best time to leave? Do they have everything they need? Where should I park? Don’t worry – you’ve got this!

Whether your little one is in nursery or just starting school, it takes time to master the mad dash and figure out what works best. After all, every family is different!

It doesn’t have to be a chore either! Here’s how to make the school run fun for kids and adults alike...

Memorable mornings

Get the morning off to a good start before you even leave the house! Put on some music your family loves to help you all get ready on a positive note – more help on making morning routines fun here – and try setting aside a little time for a quality family activity. Perhaps you can water the plants together, or scatter some LEGO® DUPLO® bricks over the dining table, so you can enjoy a family build together over breakfast.

Fashion forward!

Kids love to express themselves, so why not let your child choose their own outfit? “Errr, because we’ll never leave the house?!” we hear you shout. We hear you. But instead of giving them free reign, offer them the choice of two outfits. That way you’re still in control, but your little one will think they are. Genius!

Giving them a say encourages independence and builds confidence. Plus, they’ll leave for the school run feeling great about themselves!

Celebrate the successes

Inject some lighthearted fun into leaving the house with some family fun. Fill a jar with LEGO DUPLO brick ‘tokens’.

Every time you leave the house for the school/nursery run, your little one gets to add a new token (of their color choosing!) to the jar.

When the jar is full, you can empty it out and do some fun building together, before starting the token jar all over again!

Bring a buddy

Does your little one have a favorite LEGO DUPLO figure or fluffy toy? Let them choose one to accompany them on the school run. It’ll provide a comforting, reassuring presence. Plus, you can tell them “Teddy [or whoever they choose] and I will pick you up later!”

Surrrre, you may have to take a teddy into your office, but who’s judging?! (Unless your child’s setting lets them bring comforters in, in which case, you’re off the hook!).

Spring in your step!

If you live within walking distance of the nursery or school, start the day with some fresh air! Walking to and from their childcare setting is a great way to spend quality time together while decompressing from the busy start.

Make the walk playful with a game of nature bingo! Can you spot a bird? How about a yellow flower? See how many natural objects and animals you can check off your list!

Upbeat car rides

If you need to use the car, make it a fun experience! Listen to music, sing songs, and talk to them about what you can see out the window, “Can you spot the mailbox?”

It’s also a great idea to keep a travel toy in the car for your little one. LEGO DUPLO bricks are a great option (surprise, surprise, but it’s true!). They can live in the back seat pocket, have endless play opportunities, and are the perfect size for little hands to grip while on-the-go!

Happy goodbyes

Saying goodbye with a kiss and a hug is a bittersweet moment! Some kids can’t wait to get to school or nursery, but others take time to settle into their day. Remind them you’ll be back to collect them (with their school-run buddy in tow) and pop a photo or drawing into their bag – it’ll make them smile when they come to discover it!

We hope these tips make picking up and dropping off with young children much more fun for everyone! Good luck – let us know how it goes!

Want more ways to make everyday moments fun? Here’s how to make bedtime more fun...