Once your order leaves our warehouse and is on its way to you, we’ll send you an email with your tracking number. You can check on your local courier’s website for updates on your delivery.
It can take up to 24-48 hours for tracking to be available after you receive the email.
You can also find the tracking number by checking your order status.
Gift cards, Pick a Brick Standard orders and missing or broken parts requests can’t be tracked.
Curious about when you can expect your order? Check this handy help topic for delivery timeframes.
Missing all or part of an order? Head over here for more help.
If you’re not completely satisfied with your order, you can return it to us FREE of charge within 90 days from the day you receive your package.
For US returns: Most returns can be started through LEGO.com. Whether you placed your order while logged into your account, or as a guest, just visit this page, click ‘Return Items’ and follow the instructions.
For Canada returns: If you'd like to return a LEGO.com order, email us or give us a call.
Whether you make your return through LEGO.com or by contacting us, we’ll provide you with a prepaid label that you can use to return items to a UPS drop off point.
Please make sure that any returns are in a sealed box and packaged securely.
We’ll start processing your refund within 1-2 days after we get the items back. It can take up to 14 days for the refund to reach your bank.
You can cancel your order online until any items have an ‘In Warehouse’ status.
If none of the items in your order have an ‘In Warehouse’ status yet, and you’d like to cancel, just visit the ‘Order Status’ page, click ‘Cancel Order’ and follow the remaining steps. It’s super easy!
If any items from your order have already reached our warehouse, you won’t be able to cancel the order online.
You can still contact us to cancel individual items that have not yet reached the warehouse or to get help making other changes.
If you used LEGO® Insiders points and canceled your order, you’ll have to contact us to get the points added back to your account.
Did you come here to get answers about why your order was cancelled by LEGO.com? You should have received an email with a brief explanation and info on what to do next. If you didn't hear from us, please give us a call.