The Toa Mata (2001 – 2003)
The story of LEGO BIONICLE® primarily follows the Matoran, bio-mechanical beings comprised of both robotic and organic elements. The 2001 storyline begins on the moon of Aqua Magna, on the island of Mata Nui. The island is named after the Great Spirit himself, Mata Nui, a protector of the Matoran and all life in the Matoran universe, who was cursed into a deep sleep by the evil Makuta Teridax and members of the Makuta brotherhood.
The heroic protectors of the Matoran universe, the Toa, were created by the Great Beings of old to protect the Matoran and other creatures that inhabit the universe. (Hence the name Toa Mata.) Each Toa has powers that correspond to an element: fire, water, ice, earth, air, and stone. They also use special Kahoni masks to unleash their supplemental powers, such as super-speed or levitation. Each Toa team has their own mission and destiny.
The first Toa introduced in 2001 were known as the Toa Mata, who embark on a quest to awaken the Great Spirit, Mata Nui and return to their home city of Metru Nui. This story is explored further in the 2003 film BIONICLE: Mask of Light – The Movie.