How do you turn briefs and bricks into a play adventure? Meet Tania 🚀
Tania’s journey is testament to the magic of turning imaginative ideas into fun, playful experiences. As a Senior Concept Designer on the LEGO® Gaming team, her role involves translating high-level creative briefs into tangible play that ignites joy and inspires creativity.
“As a concept designer, every day at work is different. The workflow is dynamic and constantly evolving based on whichever project I’m working on, and what stage the project is at. I start with getting a high-level brief from my leads, and I take it from there. I carry out research, and compile mood boards, which I then turn into sketches. I line the walls and boards in the office with these pictures and inspiration. From here, the creative process takes over and I get to imagine and play, creating multiple prototypes until I come up with something that works.”

"Part of my process is also finding the play within our LEGO sets. Designing for play is probably the most important part of concept design. A toy needs to be, first and foremost, fun and playable, but I need to think about how everything looks and works together. It’s all part of the seamless play experience.”
Tania’s commitment to creating great products is clear from her set's meticulous design process.
"I strongly believe that a toy needs to be interactive and playable. It’s super important that I believe the toy to be fun, before I truly know whether it will be fun for children. I’ll sketch out different ideas, and these ideas will evolve into sets filled with interactive features that encourage imaginative play.”

"Not everything is done digitally, I personally enjoy working with my hands. For example, on occasions, I'll use paints and a small brush, and paint intricate details on new elements. This process brings the designs to life in a way that’s tangible and, hopefully, in some way captivating.
Transitioning from a freelance career to a stable position here, Tania says has been a significant and fulfilling change.
"Before working for the LEGO Group, I was a freelancer, and life was difficult and uncertain. Applying for the job here has probably been one of the BEST decisions I've made in life, and also the BEST accident that happened to me. I now have a stable creative job. It’s given me a lot of freedom to have both a stable income and still able to fulfil my creative pursuits."
Her positive experience with us is also based on the supportive and collaborative environment she enjoys here.

“There’s great camaraderie within the team. Everyone, including my leads, are like my family now. We all troop down to the barista at 2pm every day for coffee together. We are a friendly bunch of individuals, and it has given me a real sense of belonging. We are from different backgrounds, but we share the same passions. That enhances the creative atmosphere.”
"We tease each other mercilessly. All the banter and jokes are done with a good heart, and it adds to the fun.”
“My workspace is pretty much a reflection of all of this. It's a chaotic, organised mess. Lots of impressive models everywhere. LOADS and LOADS of builds and dust. It’s inspirational and cozy and I very much like it this way.”