The secret to an awesome virtual interview LEGO® style
Creating an awesome experience for candidates throughout their whole journey should be central to any organisation’s hiring goals - and we’re no different. We want our candidates to feel the LEGO® culture, but this can be tricky when things are virtual.

Here at the LEGO Group, we’re big fans of virtual interviews. They’re a great way to bring our candidates, Hiring Managers and Recruiters together and create a space where we can get to know our future colleagues. We get to source great talent from all across the world - so virtual interviewing for our teams is a tried and tested approach.
Lauren Christadore, Director, Global Executive Recruitment, shares her experience:*
“It is critical to invest extra time by both the Recruiter and Hiring Manager, also just having informal time together to plan and discuss the approach is key. I care about my candidates (caring, it’s one of our values), and I want them to be themselves, feel at ease, so they are at their best. Before the interview starts, I make sure they’re all set, tech is working and answer any final questions”.
Understanding that you need to approach virtual interviews differently is also key. Enrique Flores, Director of e-Commerce APAC Region, talks about what he does differently:
“I prepare more detailed notes than in a face to face interview. This means a more detailed introduction, notes of what I want to communicate to the candidate and I take lots of notes during the meeting whilst trying hard not to negatively impact on engagement with the candidate, and it’s sometimes hard.”
Top 10 tips
If you’ve applied to join us, are planning to, or have a virtual interview somewhere else, you’ll want to shine. We asked some of our hiring teams from across the world to share their experience, hints, and tips on how to help you make the best possible onscreen impression, LEGO® style. Here are their top ten tips:
1. Familiarise yourself with the platform
There are lots of video conferencing and interviewing tools out there so if you’re not familiar with the technology then check it out before the day of the interview.
2. Give yourself some time
Log in five minutes ahead of the agreed time. It’ll mean you won’t be rushing, and you’ll be able to sort out any technical issues before you start.
3. Make sure everything works
Fully charge your laptop or mobile device. And try your link a day before, to check that it works.
4. Put yourself in the picture
Put your camera on, and make sure your head and shoulders are visible on the screen. No-one wants to interview a forehead.
5. Find the perfect place
Choose a location for your call that is as quiet, well-lit and clutter-free as possible. Make sure there’s a strong Wi-Fi connection there, too.
6. Don’t worry if your Interviewer keeps looking down
You’ve probably said something really interesting – they’re just taking notes of it.
7. Let yourself focus
Be in the moment. Turn off or mute your email, cell phone, and any other tech that might interrupt you or break your flow.
8. Let your passion shine through
While you’re not there in person, you can still make a great impression. Smile. Radiate enthusiasm. Use positive body language and speak passionately about your subject matter.
9. Roll with the interruptions
We know that from pets and children to doorbells and internet connections, there are a thousand things that can interrupt a video interview. So don’t worry if you get interrupted.
10. And, above all, be yourself
If you have an interview here at the LEGO Group, we’re a place where people can be themselves, and this starts at the very first interview. So relax, be natural, and show us who you really are.
There you go: some pro tips on how to be brilliant in a virtual interview LEGO® style. We hope they help. And if you’ve got an interview with us coming up, we can’t wait to meet you.